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Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:29 am
by Mike
Updated on 9 January 2017
> Fixed the bug that caused players to have to re-click an object inside a player-owned house or skilling center
> Fixed a bug where you couldn't shoot through open doors with ranged or magic
> Fixed a couple of noclipping glitches inside Castle Wars
> Improved how the small & large doors within Castle Wars work (and fixed some bugs related to them)
> Fixed a bug where you could go up or down Castle Wars stairs when standing diagonally to them
> A couple of extra kingly implings were added in both the skilling center and Puro-Puro
> (hopefully) fixed the bug where you couldn't attack several Revenants within the wilderness
> As of now, you will automatically start attacking someone when movement is disabled in a duel. This will prevent players from missing out on a hit if they wait too long with attacking their opponent at the start of a duel.
> Fixed a visual bug in the Grand Exchange offers when looking at your own offer(s)
> Fixed the in-game message you get when receiving a clue scroll

Of course, don't forget about our upcoming 6 day long Castle Wars event (consider it a delayed new year's event), starting in:

And ending in:

And of course, this weekend you get Double Slayer Points, starting in:

And ending in:

The next couple of weeks will be spent fixing any leftover bugs from the big update, as well as finishing the last preparations for Ultimate Ironman Mode! We don't yet know when this mode will be released, but definitely soon.

After that, you have Elite Void, Avatars of Creation & Destruction and several wilderness bosses to look forward to - all planned for release in January & February! After all those updates, Zulrah will be the next project.

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:34 am
by Andres
Can tell us already how the ultimate ironman will work on here?;)

PS : when you do the wildy bosses, can you please adjust the iron men gameplay in the wildy?
Currently we have a very low chance killing any of the Wildy bosses besides Glacors and KBD (since it's instanced) I would be kinda sad if I don't have the opportunity to kill these if it gets released as an iron man player :)

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:25 am
by Jon

Thanks for the impling fix, Mike :p

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:51 am
by Ain

Some revs are invisible.

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:54 am
by The underdog
Activate windows you peasant ^

A to be patched update :(

Damn you code, y u no listen to Mike.

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:56 am
by Im on meth
Ain wrote:Image

Some revs are invisible.
They're not invisible, someone already killed it. When you open the scroll, it finds the closest location of a revenant and points you to the coordinates of it. Even if someone kills it, it will continue to point you to that location until you reopen the scroll.

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:08 am
by Rwter
As of now, you will automatically start attacking someone when movement is disabled in a duel. This will prevent players from missing out on a hit if they wait too long with attacking their opponent at the start of a duel.
I can hear the cries of dclawers in the distance

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:41 am
by Ain
Im on meth wrote:
Ain wrote:Image

Some revs are invisible.
They're not invisible, someone already killed it. When you open the scroll, it finds the closest location of a revenant and points you to the coordinates of it. Even if someone kills it, it will continue to point you to that location until you reopen the scroll.
Must of been a glitch because I had just closed and then reopened it.

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:57 am
by Pls live
fuckkk yeeeeee, some new bosses should be awesome. :D

Re: Todays updates - 9 January 2017 - Bugfixes

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:30 am
by Nomad
Nice bugfixes, but I think it did introduce one or two of its own - either that or just not something anyone happened to notice until after, although those have gone into the bughunter thread.