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Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:22 pm
by Mike
Here's an idea that just popped into my mind, and I think it should work quite nicely. Might require some changes or tweaks, but I see no reason why this would be a bad idea.

When transformed inside the wilderness (as monkey, with a transformation scroll or with the morph ring), you can attack another player, but only when the other player is also transformed into the same NPC as you (so a monkey can only fight other monkeys, Death may only fight Death etc.). Obviously, normal players would still not be able to fight honors.
Whether this would also work in multicombat remains to be seen, that's up to you folks to decide. I can do either way.

Not being able to attack NPC's in the wilderness will certainly remain, no matter the outcome of this poll.

Why do I think this is a good idea?
- Will make for some really fun fights in the wilderness - you can't deny that.
- Completely balanced, considering you can only fight others with the exact same stats and attack styles as you
- Will lower the amount of players who AFK in the wilderness while transformed or get in the way of fights. When other players find them to be a nuisance, they can go after them and kill them now, provided they have the transformation gear.
- Transformed players could participate in bounty hunter (remains to be seen)

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:24 pm
by Simon
Some way to kill transformed players and I'm happy.

P.S - Make sure a monkey can't cast ice barrage on another monkey x

Edit: If you kill someone with a morph ring, add a 25% chance of getting half of the charges he lost?

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:24 pm
by Mike
Simon wrote:Some way to kill transformed players and I'm happy.

P.S - Make sure a monkey can't cast ice barrage on another monkey x
Monkeys only have melee attacks, they can't cast spells or use ranged attacks.

[Edit] Confirmed

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:26 pm
by Azu rite
Don't allow them in the wilderness????

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:27 pm
by Swaggit
Mike wrote:
Simon wrote:Some way to kill transformed players and I'm happy.

P.S - Make sure a monkey can't cast ice barrage on another monkey x
Monkeys only have melee attacks (perhaps that's not the case yet, but it definitely will be after the update).
What's stopping a monkey from learning magic?

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:29 pm
by Mike
Simon wrote:Edit: If you kill someone with a morph ring, add a 25% chance of getting half of the charges he lost?
I like dat

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:30 pm
by B0rnt0b3pk
Mike wrote:
Simon wrote:Edit: If you kill someone with a morph ring, add a 25% chance of getting half of the charges he lost?
I like dat
Back to da Choppa! (working lab in this case).

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:33 pm
by Rawr
Wouldn't the fights be kinda shit? I mean, as a monkey you can hit about 13 as your max. It won't be exciting. On the other hand, Death would be OP as shit.

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:47 pm
by Go
Rawr wrote:Wouldn't the fights be kinda shit? I mean, as a monkey you can hit about 13 as your max. It won't be exciting. On the other hand, Death would be OP as shit.
I mean, at least it means you can't just afk in the wildy for hours anymore with those transformations.

One thing though, I think it would be kind of interesting if all the transformations from the quest scrolls could attack each other..
(if it could be balanced)

Re: Transformations in the wilderness - FIGHTUH!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 10:48 pm
by Pikachu
No "I don't like it." option? :thumbsdown: