Ruler wrote:I think this a bit dumb... Tomas being proud on his items, keeping them instead of selling, got him fucked now. Other people that sold their uniques are basically being awarded for not being proud on their unique gift they got.
B0rnt0bepeek wrote:Yeah got to admit, From Moabs crate, to ricks white staff, and so on, Tomas is the only one who kept his item for years, without selling it, or without being banned for rwting and gets told basically his item isn't special because Hamade had to no real authority to do so in the first place.
/soz Tomas.
That's not true. He's not the only one, he's just the only one who posts about it on the forums. The others don't seem to care all that much.
It's also not really fair to say that Tomas is getting fucked compared to the rest. The only people who were able to make money from these items are the ones who sold them, either after receiving them as an inappropriate gift or after buying them from another player. For those who are currently in possession of the item the treatment is the same: undo the action, confiscate the item and reimburse what it cost them to get it. It wouldn't make much sense to confiscate without reimbursement if the player has paid 1T for the item.
We want to make sure no one loses money over this. That's not the same as making sure everyone gets the opportunity to make profit off of it.
In the end everyone had the choice: do I keep the item or do I take the money? It's easy to assume that those who sold their one-offs made massive bank over it but the reality is that most people who sold theirs did so after a few months or a year and made a few bills, not a few trills. This seems like a fair trade-off to me: either you keep the item for a relatively short time + money, or you get to be the proud owner of a one-off item for 5 years and get no money.
To me this argument feels a lot like:
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could have our cake and eat it too?"
Yeah, that would be the ultimate best-case scenario wouldn't it? Get to have a one-off for 5 years and then at the end cash out at maximum value. I get it, best of both worlds, it's a tempting idea but not necessarily a fair one. No one else got to profit from their gifts like that.
There's also the problem that an item which has never been sold technically doesn't have a value. You could argue: people were willing to pay THIS much for it, but since no one ever did we'll never know how much they would've paid. Talk is cheap.
Finally, there is some sweet irony in expecting such items to be reimbursed at full current economy value. Consider for a moment that the
only reason these items have such an inflated value now is because we decided to be nice and let you keep them for 5 years. If we had reintroduced them 1-2 years after you got them (like we intended) their "value" would've been much lower. This has nothing to do with the item and is simply the result of veteran banks getting bigger over the years so the richest of the rich now have more cash to burn on one-off items. If anyone insists on a full refund at current market value that'd really make me wish we had taken those items years ago. No good deed ever goes unpunished.
Eater wrote:Agreed. Though Hamade did have the authority to do this. He was the owner at the time.
Wrong. Hamade had the
power to do that, not the
authority. I have the ability to give y'all 10T, doesn't mean I'm authorized to do that. I realize this doesn't mean much to you as a player but although we are supers we don't get to do whatever we want. We have our own code of conduct to follow for what is or isn't OK to do. If one super decides to use their powers and do something behind the backs of the others then that's still power abuse, just the same as if it had been done by a staff member.
Rank and the ability to do something does not guarantee the authority to do it, not for staff members nor for supers. Hamade may have been the owner but he wasn't the boss, he didn't have the authority to decide such things on his own.
B0rnt0bepeek wrote:I concur, full heartedly, even if it's not my item in jeopardy.
Hamade made these particular items relevant years ago, and nothing was said about it, nor were they even messed with when the first announcement of d kites, grains etc being removed.
It's basically like giving Keith advisor, and then removing it because it was given to him by a former Super who no longer plays. Just because the status (or even in light if Tom's item) was given as a token of appreciation, doesn't mean it should be removed/worthless just because the person responsible isn't relevant anymore.
@Rapsey - Saying Hamade didn't have authority is a bit of a stretch. He was labeled owner, and in with that title, made deals with players for irl money (which was well known back then). Between the donations he accepted for custom items, (obviously not the ones given to people as tokens of a particular reason) and the deals he would make with players for other things, there should of been a removal of EVERYTHING he handed out after this resignation, not years later.
Wrong, we did talk about it years ago, both before and around the time of the grains & dkites. There have been several major discussion topics on this subject. We even made it clear that in time all these customs would either disappear and/or be reintroduced.
As for Keith's Advisor status, frankly if that had been given without the consent of other supers we would've reverted it without hesitation so your argument really doesn't fly.
As for Hamade's authority, see above. You're right it should've been done immediately after it happened but we only found out about it much later and by that time there was no real rush anymore.