~ Forum Guides - [ POSTING ] ~
Welcome to my guide on how to post on forums.
Posting on a topic.After you have registered you should be at the Boards screen.

You can see all different boards here, but we are going to make a post in General Discussion.
So click on "General Discussion" and you should be brought to the following screen.

Click on "Post a new topic" to start a topic, once you've done that this screen should appear.

The top red bar is the Subject of the topic, this is what will displayed to everyone.
The middle red bar is the text bar, where you would actually post what you wanted to post.
The "Submit" button is to place your topic, you can also use Preview to see what it looks like before posting.
Once you click submit your topic should be posted, goodjob!

Replying on a topic.
If you're on a topic just click on "Post a reply".

Once you've done that, you will get a similiar screen as when posting a topic.
Follow the guidelines that are above for posting a reply, as they are the same for posting a topic.
Simply click on Submit and your reply should be there.