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Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:41 am
by Not motti
I honestly don't mind to click an extra time

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:07 am
by Yeah u
Mike wrote:I'm guessing most of you are thinking "we don't need no stinkin' wilderness ditch!", but the thing is: the new client comes with all OSRS maps, including the ditch. So it's pretty much a "gotta take it with the package" thing.

However, I might be able to hack my way around it by overwriting parts of the new map with parts from the original PkHonor map, but I honestly have no idea how to actually do that so it'll probably take quite some to figure out how to do it and whether it's even really possible (or viable) in the first place.
I already tried replacing it with an object but that just leaves a black void where the actual ditch part is and I'm afraid there isn't much I can do to get rid of that :P

I had managed to load the construction world map into PkHonor back when I first started working on Construction a few years ago, but that was a whole 64x64 map, not just bits and pieces of a map. I'd most likely need to extract small pieces of the PkHonor map and paste it onto the OSRS map, otherwise the whole edge of the wilderness will be buggy as hell.

Taking that into account, please let me know whether you want me to invest the time and effort in trying to remove the wilderness ditch, or just leave it as it is.

Or maybe we'll just get back to this in the future.

I say yes, just cus as you said it comes with the package lol... people saying no are either lazy to click one time. Or planning on luring people by making them follow then afk :[]

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:12 am
by Ruler
idk tbh. It's just a little thing but things like this remind me of the current rs and I am playing pkh (rsps in general) for the oldschool feeling... The more things like this are changed the more it drifts away from the reason i started playing this
Then again, it's just a ditch. Anyhow, the third option is bullshit because you know that you should change what you want to change immediately or you will keep postponing it.
I say ditch the ditch

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:36 am
by Cat
It's for sure not worth the time to attempt to removing the whole thing. That's way too much work for such a small thing. I think the ditch is a good addition. Keep it :afro:

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:53 pm
by Okaytbh
Juanes wrote:The black void looks good to me, as long as you can run across it normally, I think it's unique and shows were the wilderness starts.
I agree, the only thing I don't like about not having a ditch is that there's no marker besides a sign, but that's not very exact. With the ditch you know for sure that you cross it, walk two paces out, and you are in the wilderness and can be attacked.

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:39 am
by Bananakiwi
Ehh, I honestly don't see why the ditch matters or not O: all you have to do is click it, playing PkH/RS-anything you click half a billion things a day anyway. Grain of salt in the ocean :)

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:41 pm
by Phillip
It doesn't matter either way, only like 20 of the people voting actually enter the wilderness where the ditch would be.

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:44 pm
by Ruler
Just realised...
Yes, invest the time and effort. I don't want no fracking wilderness ditch.
You have to make honest polls for it to count Mike... Polls like this will be disregarded by the supers.

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:07 pm
by 4gottengodz
Does it really matter lol

Re: Wilderness Ditch - yay or nay?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:09 am
by Skiller
This post is nearly a year old devoid. Please no.