Ironman in the wilderness

Discuss anything and everything about PkHonor.

Should ironman mode players be able to attack others in wild?

Yes, allow them to attack and kill others, but the loot vanishes
Yes, allow them to attack and kill others, but they cannot pick up the loot (other players can pick up the loot, however)
No, don't allow them to attack others at all
Total votes: 62

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Re: Ironman in the wilderness

Post by Time2nuke » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:48 am

Give ironmen something like high alch value for pks (within a certain amount obviously, nothing game breaking like pking a main with full torva for 6b) along with pkp.

Under the given circumstances theyre just sitting ducks in the wildy really.

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Re: Ironman in the wilderness

Post by Rwter » Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:52 pm

Death purity wrote:I don't think regular players should beable to kill ironman. We work for our loot and if we kill a Normal player they loose so little because they buy everything. We ironman have to work for everything even food and potions and runes. We loose more then Normal players. I think in wild they should implement Normal players won't be allowed to attack ironman unless you make another "realm" so to speak for ironman. Which if hey are in that realm it's free game because that's where they want to be pked.
Thats their choice
