Problems running or updating PkHonor?

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Problems running or updating PkHonor?

Post by PkHonor » Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:25 pm

A step by step guide to resolve most issues:

1) Update Java (go to for that)
2) Restart the client (or webclient)
3) Restart your computer
4) If using the webclient, try a different browser. (I.E. If you are using chrome, try firefox or Internet explorer)
5) If you are using the normal client, delete the whole 'PkHonor' folder in 'C:/Users/your_username/Documents/My Games/'.
6) Delete the whole folder 'PkHonor' in 'C:/Users/(username)/'
7) If deleting the client and cache doesn't work, try downloading the zipped client. Simply extract it anywhere and double click the file "Pkhonor.jar".
8) If using the webclient, restart your browser or clear your browser's cache and try again
9) Finally try disconnecting your modem and router for 30 seconds, then plug them back in and try again.

Most (if not all) client problems can easily be solved by using our zipped client (step 7). It does not auto-update like our normal client and webclient, but it always works without problems.
If you are still unable to get your client to run after trying the above, you can create a new topic about your issue. Alternatively, below are some of the more common issues and how to solve them.

Known issues:
-> I downloaded and extracted the zipped client, but am unable to launch the file 'PkHonor.jar' by double-clicking it (might be shown as 'PkHonor' without the .jar extension)
* This is often caused by the wrong file association (people who have winrar installed often have this problem). Right-click 'PkHonor.jar' and choose 'Open with'. Then select 'Java(TM) Platform SE binary', and if possible set that as default. That should make the client launch properly.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to do the following:
* Open your start menu
* - On Vista/Windows 7: Type 'cmd' (without quotes) and press enter
- On Windows XP and older: click 'Run', type 'cmd' (without quotes) and press enter
- On a Macintosh or Linux computer: Go to 'Applications' -> 'Utilities' -> ''
* Then, use the command prompt to browse to the folder where you extracted the zipped client using the 'cd' command. For example, if you extracted it in 'C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/PkHonor/', type the following (applies to all operating systems): 'cd C:/Users/Mike/Desktop/PkHonor' (without quotes).
* Now enter the following (once again, applies to all operating systems): 'java -jar PkHonor.jar' (without quotes). This will run your client. If it doesn't, it means you don't have the proper java version and need to download the latest one at

-> The client says "'javaw' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
* Download the latest version of java at
* When the installation is complete, make sure you have a folder called 'Java' under 'C:\Program Files'. If so, try to run your client again, and everything should work fine.
Note: if you have a 64-bit version of Windows, check both 'C:\Program Files' and 'C:\Program Files (x86)' for the 'Java' folder.
* If you do not have such a folder, go to, there click the appropriate download link. Then install Java using that installer. After the installation, your client should run flawlessly.

-> The 'Updating - please wait' message is stuck and doesn't progress
* This is usually a problem with permissions. Please check if your account has administrator access on the computer and not limited access.
* If you have proper permissions on your computer, check your 'C:\Users\(username)\PkHonor' folder. That's where the cache gets downloaded. If you have that folder, delete it and try to restart your client. If that does not help, delete the folder, restart your computer and restart the client.
Note: if you are using the normal client (not the webclient), please also check 'C:\Users\(username)\Documents\My Games\PkHonor',
as well as 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\My Games\PkHonor'. You should find your actual client in either of those 2 folders. If you cannot get the client to run, we recommend to delete that folder and re-install it using the installer for the normal client.
* If the above does not work, we highly recommend you to download, extract and run our zipped client.

-> I can run PkHonor, but when I get to the login screen, it says my client is outdated. When I restart the client, no update occurs
* Go to your 'C:\Users\(username)\PkHonor' folder. That's where the cache gets downloaded. If you have that folder, delete it and try to restart your client. If that does not help, delete the folder, restart your computer and restart the client.
* If the above does not work, we highly recommend you to download, extract and run our zipped client.

-> I can run PkHonor, connect to the game and make a character, but once my character walks a few steps in-game, my client crashes

Note that this particular problem only occurs with people who have a 64-bit Operating System. This never happens on a 32-bit Operating System.

To determine if you have a 64-bit Operating System, perform the following steps:
* Right-click 'computer' (in your start menu)
* Click 'Properties'

- Look at what it says next to 'System type'.

If you have indeed a 64-bit version of Windows and you encounter this particular problem, perform the following steps:
* Download the latest version of java at
* When the installation is complete, make sure you have a folder called 'Java' under 'C:\Program Files (x86)'.
* If you do not have such a folder, go to, there click the appropriate download link. Then install Java using that installer.

Once you have the folder 'Java' under 'C:\Program Files (x86)', perform the following steps:

* Right-click 'computer' (in your start menu)
* Click 'Properties'

* Click 'Advanced system settings' (at the left of the window)

* Click 'Environment Variables' (at the bottom)

* Under 'System variables' (bottom window), scroll down until you find the Variable 'Path', select that line and then click 'Edit...'

* Use your Left Arrow Key to move the cursor to the BEGINNING of that line

* At the beginning of the line, insert the following text: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin; (with the ; included).
(If you are using an outdated version of java, paste: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin;)

* Click 'OK' on all three windows and close the last opened window aswell.
* Now run your client again, and everything should work just fine :)
If not, please download, extract and run our zipped client.
