A status update

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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A status update

Post by Mike » Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:25 pm

Hi everyone,

After all this time, I've finally found the courage once again to provide the community with an update on my well-being. It's been a wild ride with some ups and mostly a lot of downs. I've had some really dark days throughout the past months, and it's probably no surprise to anyone that I'm still battling through my depression which has held me in its grasp for the better part of the past year and prevents me from doing what I want to do most of all: to continue my life's work on this server which I have helped to shape (and which has shaped me) over 14 years ago.

Starting next week, I'll be undergoing a series of pshychodiagnostic tests, the result of which will probably have an impact on the treatment I will continue to follow in the months to come. Whether it be therapy, medication or a combination of both remains yet to be seen.

Not a day goes by without me feeling bad about not providing this amazing community with the updates it deserves. Perhaps most of all, I feel bad about not being there for our developers and giving them the help they need to get their updates out there. Rationally, I know that nobody has any use for my feeling bad, but emotions simply aren't so easy to control.

Many dark days still lie ahead, but forward is the only way to go. Thank you everyone for your continued support. I love you all dearly.

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Re: A status update

Post by Nolan » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:15 pm

Peace be with you. Undoubtedly, therapy or simply feeling heard and understood by way of intimate and compassionate conversation is the best route to feeling better. By all means, take medication if you feel you are a danger to yourself or others, although that is only a band-aid. Don't be the guy who unnecessarily stays hindered all throughout his life due to fear of facing himself. The only way out is through. My DMs are always open!

PkHonor4Ever. <3

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Re: A status update

Post by James » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:36 pm

We all appreciate what you've built here, take some time and focus on yourself. Best of luck with everything champ.

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Re: A status update

Post by Hunkofman » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:39 am

Mike wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:25 pm Hi everyone,

After all this time, I've finally found the courage once again to provide the community with an update on my well-being. It's been a wild ride with some ups and mostly a lot of downs. I've had some really dark days throughout the past months, and it's probably no surprise to anyone that I'm still battling through my depression which has held me in its grasp for the better part of the past year and prevents me from doing what I want to do most of all: to continue my life's work on this server which I have helped to shape (and which has shaped me) over 14 years ago.

Starting next week, I'll be undergoing a series of pshychodiagnostic tests, the result of which will probably have an impact on the treatment I will continue to follow in the months to come. Whether it be therapy, medication or a combination of both remains yet to be seen.

Not a day goes by without me feeling bad about not providing this amazing community with the updates it deserves. Perhaps most of all, I feel bad about not being there for our developers and giving them the help they need to get their updates out there. Rationally, I know that nobody has any use for my feeling bad, but emotions simply aren't so easy to control.

Many dark days still lie ahead, but forward is the only way to go. Thank you everyone for your continued support. I love you all dearly.
Keep your head up brother!

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Re: A status update

Post by Monys » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:41 am

Best of luck, king. I look forward to your recovery.

Much love

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Re: A status update

Post by The underdog » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:45 am

28 hours before riot day? :|

Now we gonna feel bad for rioting :sadge:

Demote Ryan :notsureif:

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Re: A status update

Post by Brant » Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:48 am

It's just great seeing your name on the forums again Mike. Whenever you get back into developing, know, that Raj, Naz, and I are there to help you. If you ever want to talk, feel free to message me! I know what you're going through, Over the past year, I've been in a very similar experience. I'll be praying for you!

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Re: A status update

Post by Kenneth » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:25 am

More purgatory great

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Re: A status update

Post by Lykos » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:57 am

The community is here for a reason, we're a result of your work and participation throughout the years. Don't hesitate to reach out and talk to many of the bright minded individuals here.

Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: A status update

Post by Iron adam » Fri Mar 29, 2024 5:41 pm

We all love you and wish the best for you. Please don't be afraid to lean on any of us for anything, irl or pkhonor related.

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