Crystal Keys can be used on the Crystal Chest (located in Taverley), yielding a randomly generated set of items as a reward.

Crystal Keys are formed when combining a 'loop half of key' with a 'tooth half of key'.
A complete Crystal Key, the 'loop half of key' and 'tooth half of key' are all possible drops from various monsters.
Monsters that Drop Crystal Keys
- Corporeal Beast (Rare).
- Nex (Rare).
Monsters that drop 'loop half of key'
- Black Demon (Very Rare).
- Cyclops (Very Rare).
- Hellhound (Very Rare).
- Nechryael (Very Rare).
- Troll (Very Rare).
- Turoth (Very Rare).
- Werewolf (Very Rare).
They can also be looted from the Crystal Chest (5% Chance).
Monsters that drop 'tooth half of key'
- Black Demon (Very Rare).
- Cyclops (Very Rare).
- Hellhound (Very Rare).
- Nechryael (Very Rare).
- Troll (Very Rare).
- Turoth (Very Rare).
- Werewolf (Very Rare).
They can also be looted from the Crystal Chest (5% Chance).
Honor: Item Spawn
'tooth half of key': Item ID 985.
'loop half of key': Item ID 987.
Crystal Key: Item ID 989.
Option 1: Falador Teleport (cities teleport) and run north-west.
Option 2: Farming Teleport (skills teleport), speak to Dantaera and select tree patches: Taverley.
-> Uncut Dragonstone (1)
-> Pkhonor Points (10-30)
-> Coins (5M-25M)
-> Loop Half of Key (1)
-> Teeth Half of Key (1)
-> Coal (1000)
-> Iron Ore (2000)
-> Rune Ore (200)
-> Raw Shark (1000)
-> Raw Rocktails (200)
-> Magic Logs (1000)
-> Living Minerals (1000)
-> Impling Jars (1000)
-> Rune Essence (10000)
-> Gold Leaves (500)
-> Gold Bars (1000)
-> Mahogany Planks (500)
-> Mahogany Logs (1000)
-> Bonemeal (1000)
-> Clean Torstols (100)
-> Clean Snapdragons (200)
-> Clean Toadflax (200)
-> Torstol Seeds (20)
-> Snapdragon Seeds (50)
-> Toadflax Seeds (50)
-> Red Spiders' Eggs (500)
-> Bird's Nests (500)
-> Dragon Implings (25)
-> Kingly Implings (50)
-> Dragon Bones (100)
TIER 3: RUNES: 2.5% chance
-> Air Runes (10000) 2.5%
-> Water Runes (10000) 2.5%
-> Earth Runes (10000) 2.5%
-> Fire Runes (10000) 2.5%
TIER 4: RARE RUNES: 1.25% chance
-> Cosmic Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Astral Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Soul Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Nature Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Death Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Blood Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Chaos Runes (5000) 1.25%
-> Law Runes (5000) 1.25%
TIER 5: GOD ARROWS: 2% chance
-> Guthix Arrows (25)
-> Saradomin Arrows (25)
-> Zamorak Arrows (25)
TIER 6: RARES: 1% chance
-> Crystal Bow (1)
-> Crystal Shield (1)
-> Uncut Onyx (1)